5 Best Operating Systems(OS) for Hackers in 2022

5 Best Operating Systems(OS) For Hackers in 2022

1. Kali Linux

Kali Linux is a Debian based Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security. Mostly Hackers and Security Researchers use Kali Linux to find security loop holes.

2. Parrot OS

Parrot Operating System is Debian based Linux distribution designed for Hackers, Pentesters, Bug Hunters and Developers. Parrot OS mostly focus on Security, Development and Privacy.

3. BlackArch

Black Arch is based on Arch Linux distribution and provide amazing preinstalled Cyber Security tools. BlackArch is designed for Penetration Testers and Security researchers.

4. Cyborg Hawk

Cyborg Hawk Linux is based on Ubuntu with Latest Kernel of Cyber Security. It is most Advanced, Powerful Tools and with amazing UI.

5. Backbox

Backbox is Ubuntu based Linux distribution Operating System. It has many powerful tools for Network scanning, Information gathering and Penetration testing.

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